FULL year


We are a low travel, highly competitive cheer program with an excellent facility, great coaching and a safe and healthy learning environment.

Our Full Year Teams practice twice a week and are required to participate in skill appropriate weekly tumbling class as well.  We may add additional practice time throughout the week as needed but will give advanced notice so you can plan accordingly. Cheer practices are 2-2.5 hours long and tumbling classes are 55 minutes.  The season is roughly August through March but teams awarded bids will practice through their final competition.  We attend 5-6 competitions throughout the year and also perform in a team exhibition at our gym.

Full year athletes are required to attend our evaluations, which are held in May and teams will be formed based on the skills that are performed during that time.  We will have uniform sizing and light practices during the summer to build team bonding and keep up our skills.  We understand that summer is an important time for many families and will be respectful of planned family vacations.  We feel it is important for our athletes to connect on and off the mats so we strive to provide fun events for them to attend on a regular basis.  We work and play hard!